Mountain Valley Farm CSA 2018 season.
Our goal is to deliver the freshest quality beyond organic produce from our field to your plate.
Our Program is a membership in which you pay a yearly fee and benefits you with a 15% discount on the regular price of produce.
Each week your MVF membership lets you choose how much beyond organic produce you want and what you want, no restrictions on amounts and you choose the produce.
Membership fees: beginer $200.00 or loves fresh vegetables $400.00.
New for 2018
We are adding a limited amount of new members this year so sign up early.
also available beyond organic meat birds.( email for more details )
Member pickup will be one day a week when the season starts (mid May until mid Oct.)
Each week the total of your purchase is subtracted from your membership fee.
If you do use your membership fee up before the end of the season, you may purchase additional without restriction.
Benefits for you our customer is
You have received a great product of Beyond Organic Produce at a very reasonable price. From our Farm to Your Table.
We look forward to serving you
Membership is payable by cheque, e-transfer or cash.
Click Here > Sign up form
Dates when some of our crops become traditionally ready
May 15 variety of early greens, kales, spinach, collards,
June 1 - Assorted lettuce, mixed baby greens, carrots, beets, green onions, swiss chard, kale, cucumbers, parsley, radishes, turnip
June 15 - broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, summer squash, basil, celery, baby potatoes, tomatoes, mini purplet onion, basil, cilantro, dill,
July 1 - beans, baby leaks, hot peppers, french fennel, peas,
July 15 - egg plant, sweet peppers,
August - corn
We will have more varieties than listed

CSA explained
Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is a food production and distribution system that directly connects farmers and consumers. In short: people buy “shares” of a farm's harvest in advance and then receive a portion of the crops as they're harvested.
Reasons families invest in a share of harvest:
• Many folks just want to experience truly fresh food and have an appetite for a variety not available at the supermarket
• Many join for their health. Simply visiting the farm can be a stress reliever, eating food that is natural and clean has to be right.
• The concept of supporting local farms is important to the community’s rural character
• To some families it’s about interacting with nature, visiting the farm and experiencing life on the farm and helping children learn how their food is grown
• For some it’s about reducing the amount of food miles your food travels, and the amount of fossil fuels that is used to transport your food, (your average vegetable travels over 1500 miles before it’s consumed).
• Many families enjoy the community environment where like-minded people share recipes, ideas and experiences, as well as sharing the vegetables!
Contact us so we can add you to our email list. Please pass our website on to friends and family.
Thank you and see you soon.
Tom and Denise Cross