Mountain Valley Farm is the beginning of our dream for a sustainable community farm and a legacy for our future generations. It has been a journey coming to our full-time commitment to the farm, growing Beyond Organic produce in this scale and offering it to our community. We both grew up on farms, and like many, moved away as soon as possible, only to return with a rekindled passion. Our past working and owning in the restaurant industry was a valued experience. Many principles of which we’ve been able to apply to our farm. When the opportunity came to expand our passion for the taste of naturally grown food we jumped in.
Our journey to further educate ourselves on Beyound Organic principles continues to fulfill our dream. It’s our never ending story working with nature, and one we embrace with each challenge and victory. At the end of each day, what matters to us most, is that we can offer our produce of exeptional quality to our local community.

Tom & Denise
Earth Oven in the early stages.